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Discover employees add new benefits

Time:2020-07-30 browse:3030

Family Education · Lectures

      Discover Machinery Manufacturing has always cared about the lives of employees and actively created various learning opportunities for employees. This time, we have won the benefits for the employees again. Please go to Yujia Happiness's teacher Li to give us a lecture on how to improve the ability of family education. We hope that the employees' children will have a better tomorrow.

        We all know that family education is very important, and we attach great importance to it and work hard. In the process of this endeavor, do we have clear goals? What kind of abilities do we need to have when working hard around our goals? And in what direction can we really improve our capabilities? In the lecture, Mr. Li told us about the skills of parent-child communication, how to build a harmonious parent-child relationship with the child, and how to help the child open his heart.

    At the same time, give us guidance on the goals and directions of family education. Family affection is first, personality is second, and knowledge is third. The goal of family education is to let children have the ability to manage their own happiness for life.

Family happiness

      The job of being a parent is the most complicated job in the world, and it is also the job that most requires "pre-job training". Thanks to Mr. Li for sharing, we all benefited a lot. New Discovery has always maintained the concept of being family with employees, caring about employees' lives, caring about employees' families and children's growth and education, and enhancing employees' sense of happiness. This is what we have been working hard to do.

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